1. Install "NortonSymbianHack.sisx".

2. Launch it.

3. Go Options - Anti- Virus - Quarantine list

4. Go Options - Restore. Accept prompt.

5. Exit application. Delete Norton from Application Manager (Symantec Symbian Hack). Also delete "C:\shared\" folder.

6. Install "RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx" from ""

7. Launch and apply patches: - Open 4all for full access to file system. - Installserver for installing any unsigned applications. (If "Installserver" has red cross, follow steps 8 to 15.) (If checked, reboot now your phone.) Note: Set patches to auto if needed. (Options - Add to auto)

8. Install X-Plore.

9. Open it.

10. Press (Menu - Tools - Configuration).

11. Check all. (Show Hidden Files, etc.)

12. Open ""

13. Choose what Symbian OS you have. (List below)

14. Copy "installserver.exe" from the folder of your OS to "C:/sys/ bin". (No need to apply patch on RomPatcher.)

15. Reboot phone.

installserver91: For E60, E61i, E62, E65, E70, N71, N73, N75, N77, N80, N91,N92. (Symbian 9.1) installserver92: For E51, E90, N76, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N93, N93i, N95, N95-2, 6290,5700, 6120, 6110, i520, i550, i400, i450, i560, G810, N78, N96,6220. (Symbian 9.2, 9.3) installserver3250: For 3250. installserver5500: For 5500. installservere50: For E50. installservere61: For ?61 or 3250. (If first file won't work "only") installserver934: For Symbian 9.3 and 9.4 models. by CODeRUS: installserverS3: For all Symbian^3, Again, credits to: CODeRUS for making his final, easy hack for all Symbian phones. Thank you CODeRUS

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